FBI statistics tell us that there is an active shooter every three weeks in the United States. These incidents are over on average within 2 minutes, with an average of 8 deaths. Ragnar Tactical has close quarters battle training geared to armed citizens, which focus on best practices, tactical responses, medical aid for penetrating trauma, and ground breaking technology. Our instructors have responded to several active shooter incidents. Their tactics are based on real life failures and successes.
Most active shooter incidents are over before law enforcement arrives, so it is important that you train to protect yourself. Training helps prevent panic. Just like fire drills prepare people mentally for what to do in case of a fire, our courses prepare you for what to do in an active shooter situation. Your knowledge will enable you not only to survive, but to lead others to survival as well. In our close quarters battle training we focus on stopping the threat as fast as possible, tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) to address gunshot and knife wounds, and escape and evasion tactics.