What You Need To Know
Our basic handgun concealed carry class in Colorado is perfect for both semi-auto pistols and revolvers. We offer the most in-depth program available. Our firearms instructors have extensive police and military backgrounds, who can offer a working knowledge of legal concerns; such as what to do if you’re contacted by the police when you’re armed, or if you use deadly force in self defense. Additionally, our police officers were full-time police academy instructors who have extensive teaching experience.
Beginners Welcome
We have both total beginners and experienced shooters in every one of our concealed carry classes. We take it slowly and patiently with beginners, and make it a positive experience. Even the experienced shooters learn a lot. We make sure all of our students know the safest and most efficient way to use firearms. We have something for all skill levels in our courses, don’t hesitate to sign up for a class today.
Buyer Beware
Firearms training is very popular here in Colorado, and there are plenty of other companies are offering beginner courses. Unfortunately, many of those courses don’t include any shooting, or have only minimal shooting. These courses are often taught by amateurs. Our instructors have extensive police and military backgrounds. We have the most thorough basic handgun/permit course available.


Legal issues
Clearing malfunctions
Decisional shooting
Immediate Threat Response
Holster selection

Course Cost & Registration

What You Pay
- Our basic pistol class is $200 per person per session.
- If you choose to repeat a course, it will be a $50 discount for life.
- We offer an annual pass, good for unlimited classes for one year from date of purchase for $1,500, which is an incredible value. The annual pass is $1,000 to renew.
- Click the button below to register for a class and pay for it directly through the website!
How You Pay
You can pay for your Colorado firearms class from Ragnar Tactical through any of the following methods:

Upcoming Classes

Equipment Requirements

Handgun, (semi-auto or revolver), preferably 2 magazines or more for semi-autos. Rentals: We have semi-autos and revolvers for rent, $20 for the class per gun. Please inquire before booking. Every shooter will need a weapon.

Our Other Classes

Our advanced pistol and steel shooting classes cover everything in basic handgun, as well as a number of advanced techniques.
Learn to shoot rifles & carbines. Our Precision Rifle class is geared towards our long range shooters, typically out to 400 to 500 yards
Prepare yourself for an active shooter. We have classes for both armed, and unarmed citizens. Learn to protect yourself & others.
Our self-defense classes include escapes, both from standing and ground, along with realistic striking techniques.